What do members need to do before cutover?During Parallel, November 19, 2024, to December 3, 2024, Members have access to PropTx, but add/edit continues to be done in ITSO Matrix. Throughout these weeks you will need to take the following actions in PropTx: Client Portals: Saved Searches and Auto Emails If you are going to be using the PropTx Matrix system, auto emails will import as inactive saved searches and once the criteria is reviewed under the new data structure, fields and field options, those inactive saved searches can be turned into auto emails. Active Listings Review Listings for missing Information, if no field exists to capture that information in the new system, you will need to enter in Public or Brokerage Remarks depending on the field. Duplicate Listings If you have a property in ITSO that is listed on PropTx already, one will be removed. We are working on identifying these and will add additional information to those who are impacted shortly. Attend Training Virtual sessions have been recorded and are available on the website onepointar.ca/proptx. Live sessions are being held across Ontario from November 25-December 6. Complete Branding / System Setup (prospects mobile) Report Problems via Ticketing System Carefully read and fill out and submit this form. Brokerage Managers: Brokerage Setup Initially, only the Broker of Record will have access to add/edit in the training module on PropTx. They will need to set permissions for their employees and and Administrators using the instructions that have been sent to them.
What will change when we cutover?Access to the cloud agent suite, authentisign, and marketstats programs will be discontinued starting December 3, 2024. Other programs will be provided in lieu as part of the new PropTx MLS® Suite of Products. Will My Contacts Come Over? Yes; for both Matrix and REALM. Please review them. Will my Auto Emails Come Over? Yes; from ITSO Matrix to PropTx Matrix, as inactive saved searches. Members need to review criteria based on new data structure (field labels, dropdown options etc.) and once that is done, those inactive saved searches can be turned into auto emails. If using PropTx REALM, saved searches and auto emails will have to be re-created as new searches. Will my CMA’s Come over? No. Will my Custom Stats Come over? No. How many photos can I upload on a listing in PropTx? 50. How many auto-emails can be sent out by each user? On REALM, limited to a maximum of 150 Active clients at a time, but each client could be receiving many emails. Incomplete Listings - do they exist? How long until deleted? Yes; draft listings save for 30 days from date of input, NOT from last edit date. Will Incomplete/Pending listings saved in ITSO Matrix import over to PropTx. No. Will I be notified when my listings are about to expire, or go back on market, etc.? Prior to Expiration - No Prior to Sold - No Prior to Active (from Suspended) - No, to return a Suspended listing to Active, that must be done manually once the suspension period ends. When added/Active - No Do Input forms need to be signed by all Sellers for all properties? Yes, but they do not need to be provided to OnePoint or PropTx; to be kept on file at brokerage in case of an audit. What things in WEBForms & Authentisign will/will not be available after cutover? Transaction kits will still be available in WEBForms after cutover. Transaction kits documents signed through Authentisign will be carried forward. Any external documents signed through Authentisign need to be downloaded as access to Authentisign will no longer be included with your Association dues. Can I cancel my own listings in PropTx? Only Brokers of Record, Managers and Administrators can process cancellations. What if my listings aren't showing on REALTOR.ca? December 2, 2024 and December 3, 2024. Add/edit will be turned on as of December 3rd in PropTx. All listing updates and new listing entry are to be made in the PropTx System. No listings will go to realtor.ca during these days. Following cutover, please ensure that in add/edit, the Distribute to Internet field is set to Yes if your listing is still not appearing on the site. Does REALM have a concierge option for auto emails like Matrix does? No. That feature is available in PropTx Matrix. TBC. Can images be copied (cloned) from previous listings? No; the listing data may be cloned, but not the images. Verify any listing or just a member’s and under the same brokerage? Why isn’t my Firefox browser working? The Firefox browser is not compatible with the PropTx MLS® System. Google Chrome is the recommended browser. Is the Prospects Mobile app still available? Yes; you will need to log out of the app and sign back in under the board PropTx otherwise, you will not see Active listings.
I am part of a team, what do I need to know?There is not a team function in REALM, presently. It is available in Matrix and is set up the same through My Matrix/Settings/Teams page within the PropTx version of Matrix. Members can also set up alternates for webforms access, etc. Is there a way to share contacts/searches with other members of my team? You can add one or multiple agents from your brokerage to a team. Admins? You cannot add an agent from another brokerage to a team. You can add one or more clients to a team so that they are shared with your team members. Note: The intention of the Teams feature in REALM® is to allow REALTORS® to share selected clients and their searches with one or more colleagues who belong to the same brokerage. With this in mind, it's important to note that the Teams functionality only creates notifications, etc. for Agents/REALTORS®. When clients are shared with a team, the Teams function allows the REALTOR® Team to access the client, but the Clients are not members of the team.
Do I have to choose between Matrix vs. REALM?LISTING INPUT All listing input on PropTx is done through the Add/Edit tool which appears as a blue pencil icon on the top row of the PropTx dashboard. When you visit this the page, you will see a REALM logo at the top, but listings entered here will feed to both front end systems - Matrix and REALM. FRONT END SYSTEM Existing Members will have until January 31, 2025 to select their front end of choice, either REALM or Matrix. This choice will be locked in for one year. Every year, the trial window to choose a front end system for the following year opens again. Members who do NOT submit their selection prior to this date will be defaulted to Matrix. Brokers of Record and Brokerage Administrators will have access to both Matrix and REALM at all times. Unlicensed Assistants will use the system chosen by their REALTOR® employer.
Will I have access to ITSO after January 31, 2025?In light of the unexpected setbacks at cutover, we executed the extension clause in our ITSO contract to give us access for an additional month past our official cutoff date of December 31. Some members have inquired about the possibility of extending access to ITSO beyond the end of this month and the unfortunate reality is that is not possible. On January 31, 2025 members will no longer be able to access itsorealestate.ca.
Where can I find my login information for PropTx?Access to PropTx was sent via email to member REALTORS® on November 19, 2024. Similar emails will be sent to Administrators and ULAs shortly. Please email trainer@onepointar.ca if you are experiencing issues.
The Matrix™ Icon is Not Appearing on my PropTx Dashboard?This has been resolved. Please login through https://tools.proptx.ca/onepoint/ to see all available tools and resources, including both REALM and Matrix™
How do I submit my front-end system choice - Matrix or REALM?Click Here for Intructions 1. Go to: https://mms.proptx.ca 2. Log into the PropTx System as you normally do by first providing your PropTx User ID, and PIN. After clicking Submit, enter the One-Time Code sent to your mobile device. 3. On the next screen, you will see a summary of your membership information. Click the button in the bottom-right corner labelled Change MLS Choice. 4. A pop-up will then appear. Click the dropdown arrow to the right and select either REALM™ or Matrix.
How do I know which system to use - Matrix or REALM?We know that there has been a lot of change in a short period of time, and learning a brand new system in 60 days was a lot. We are working on extending your trial period, however, as of now the cut off to choose your front end is January 31, 2025. If you are still having difficulty deciding which system is right for you, here are a few pointers that may help you make a decision. While it is impossible for the Association to advise which system is right for your specific use-case, business model, and abilities, these may help to narrow things down. Remember: if no option is made before the cutoff, you will be defaulted to Matrix for the rest of the year. #1) Matrix is familiar. The functionality is very much the same as previous versions of Matrix you have used. #2) Saved Searches, Contacts, and Auto-Emails transferred from ITSO Matrix to PropTx Matrix only. If you choose to use REALM, you will have to reenter this information manually. #3) REALM Mobile app has been reported by many as preferable to Prospects Mobile App. #4) Users have also reported that REALM is a more feature-rich system that those who are technically inclined can leverage in a few ways Matrix cannot. #5) Teams will need to work on the same platform as their other team members. #6) Time is tight to learn a new system, if you haven't already started investigating systems, you may want to stay with Matrix for the time being and learn more about REALM by attending training throughout the next 11 months. In January 2026, you can then make a more informed decision of whether you want to stay with Matrix or switch to REALM. If you want to learn more about either system please visit: https://academy.proptx.ca/home/index
BrokerBay and SentriLock Aren't Working CorrectlyCurrently, Sentrilock is working to complete the OnePoint merger, and MLS transition to PropTX, but is not ready, at this time. As a workaround for the time being, you will need to manually enter each listing in the SentriLock system with the PropTX MLS number and then configure the listing in BrokerBay. STEP ONE Either you or your Brokerage’s SentriLock Administrator must first assign the lockbox to the MLS number within the SentriLock system. Click Here to learn how. STEP TWO The SentriLock lockbox will then be available for you to link it in BrokerBay using the steps within this article. ALTERNATELY You can use the following manual workaround within the BrokerBay system: Navigate to the listing's Showing Configuration. Under the Showing Agent Instructions, select the "Access Type" dropdown menu, and select "Combination Lock Box." In the Lock Box Instructions field, type in "SentriLock." In the text box, include a statement similar to the following "**ATTN - AGENTS** please ask LA to provide you SentriConnect access to the lockbox," or "**ATTN - AGENTS** please ask the office to provide you SentriConnect access to lockbox" (edit based on your instructions). Any notes added in this section will be included in the showing confirmations sent to Agents. NOTE On April 1st 2024, SentriLock removed the ability for all third parties (ie BrokerBay, ShowingTime) to generate one-day codes. You need to download the SentriKey® (Members) or SentriConnect® (Non-Members) mobile app to access SentriLock Lockboxes when booking through a third party appointment booking software.
Reporting New Issues
Most issues have been identified and outlined in the Known Issues log and FAQ section.
For unidentified issues, please check that your issue/concern is not already on the Known Issues log or answered in the FAQ before you submit a support ticket.
Support staff are available from Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM EST.
Response times may vary during peak periods. If more information is required, our staff may reach out to you to request additional details. You can track the status of your ticket/problem on the known issues log. Once your issue has been fixed, it will be moved to the "Resolved Issues" section.
PropTx Learning Academy (PropTx login required)
Beginner REALM Training
Advanced REALM Training
SkySlope Training
Permissions Manager Video
Watch this video on neighbourhood guides: https://vimeo.com/726770278/d0499437c4
Watch this video on the school locater: https://vimeo.com/726771602/656e004be0
Watch this video on address reports: https://vimeo.com/726769279/7ce63b9701
Watch this video on insights: https://vimeo.com/726765383/18d92a9ac6
Complete the REALM™ Module Series
Module One: Searching, Saving, & Sharing
Learn how to confidently use REALM™. Get to know the basics, including accessing and customizing REALM™, adding and managing your clients, saving searches, and sharing listings.
Get Started
Module Two: Understanding the Listing Details
Save time and streamline your listing workflow in REALM™. Learn how to use the “likes” and “favourites” tools, save a listing, email a listing, and use the chat to send a listing.
Learn More
Module Three: Contacts & Collaboration
Stay connected with your clients on REALM™. Discover the easy steps to invite your clients to REALM™, create automated searches, keep track of activity, and more.
Explore Here
Module Four: REALM™ Mobile
Download and install the app, use the driving directions feature, and apply the geolocation tool to pinpoint listings nearby.
After successfully completing each module, you will receive a certificate. Once you have completed all five modules, you can share how you’re building your skills with a badge on your LinkedIn profile.
*New* Add/Edit Learning Module
Adding and editing your listings is easy. Our newest Add/Edit module allows you to learn at your own pace with interactive elements, step-by-step instructions, and helpful quizzes. Ensure your listings are up to date and find out how to create a data information sheet from a draft listing, submit a draft listing, clone an existing listing, and report status changes.